Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another one on the way and nowhere to put it!

With another baby on the way, actually, due tomorrow, August, 12, we are getting very anxious and excited about the new arrival as you can imagine.

First of all we have an 18-month-old daughter, Isabelle, and dealing with her alone is one thing. Dealing with an 18-month-old and a newborn is going to be an entirely different ballgame.

Secondly, we don't know if the new baby is going to be a boy or a girl, so that definitely adds to the excitement and anxiousness. If it's a girl, we don't really have to go out and get anything new because well, we have tons of little girl baby clothes that Isabelle wore not-so-long ago.

If it's a boy, it'll be exciting and different. But, we will have to go out and buy new "Boy" clothes. Of course, we'll have plenty of green and yellow outfits for the baby to wear, but you know new mothers, she'll be out buying new "cute" boy clothes the second she has a chance.

Lastly, we live in a small Cape that currently is only set up as a two-bedroom. Earlier this year we started rennovating our basement to make a second livingroom/playroom, office and a second bathroom. This would free up our current living room of the mountains of toys. Allow us to move our office space to the basement and free up the current office as the new Master Bedroom and have the two bedrooms on the second floor for the two kids. Isabelle would move into our current bedroom, and the new baby would go into the nursery where Isabelle now sleeps.

However, the best laid plans often have their hiccups!

The cost of actually rennovating the basement has, as usual, gone way over what we had originally budgeted. About $10,000 over, or $10,000 more than we actually have to spend. We are almost halfway done, but still need to do tons of work. The house is in complete dissarray, because for starters, we currently don't have a basement to store any of our clutter because the basement is completely empty and in full "construction zone" mode. All of the additional "stuff" (we'll call it "stuff" to keep this Blog PG) is stacked in the corners of our office, mudroom, on the back deck as well as in a 5x10x10 storage container on the side of the house and the baby is due TOMORROW!

Now obviously, the baby will sleep in our room for the first few months. But, the fact that our lives are going to be completely turned upside down because of the new baby (hopefully this one will love to sleep through the night right away), and the house being in complete shambles because of the construction of the basement makes it even more difficult to try to relax and enjoy everything that is going on!

It makes me wonder how the people who "horde" stuff function.

Hopefully, we can figure out a way to get things finished so we can put our house back together and we can all have a nice comfortable and cozy house to live in with bedrooms for both of the kids. A nice new playroom to play in and keep all of their toys. An office for mommy and daddy to do work, since we both work from home at least once a week. And also make our house look presentable for friends and relatives to come over and visit us since its going to be a little more difficult to lug everyone around along with the two dogs.

But, right now, it is what it is, and the baby is going to show up any day now. Hopefully by the time the new baby does get here, we'll have figured out a better plan and a place to put them!

So, if you have any get rich quick schemes up your sleeves, please send them my way. I need roughly $100,000 within the next week or so.

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