So, it's official... I'm old!
I was playing volleyball last night, and as I went to set a ball, my left groin went **POP!**
I literally felt it pop and I fell to the ground like a bag of rocks. It felt like my left nut shot out of my sack and bounced off the floor.
My stomach went queazy, I turned stark white and couldn't focus. I got up and walked off the court and sat on a chair for about 25 minutes motionless.
The guys I was playing volleyball with got me an icepack and I placed it on my sack and could barely breath. I have never felt pain like this before in my life. It didn't even hurt this bad when I tore cartiledge in my knee several years ago.
When the game was over, I walked across the gym and very gingerly sat down. I began to try to take off my shoes and could barely reach down to untie my shoes, which brought tears to my eyes, the pain was almost unbareable.
I left the gym, got into my truck and had to physically lift my left leg with my hands to get it into the truck, panting and sweating the entire time.
I made my way home, put more ice between my nuts and thigh and sat on the couch until midnight when I finally got up enough courage to walk up the stairs to go to bed.
I collapsed in bed and slept ok, struggling to move around or even lift my leg under the weight of the blankets, I stayed on my back most of the night.
When I woke up this morning, I tried to move my left leg off the bed and it almost fell to the floor by itself because I was unable to support it with any muscles. It sent a sharp excruciating burst of pain through my groin and into my stomach. Again I almost vomitted. I got the cold sweats and started seeing spots.
I made my way to my stairs trying to get to my bathroom as fast as I could because I thought I was going to be sick and had to hold onto the wall and I almost fell down my stairs.
So, that being said, I'm officially old. Doing the same things I did a few years ago, now cause me serious injury... great!
I'm going to see my doctor next week to see if I actually tore anything and if I may need surgery... but other than that... I feel just great. And when I cough or sneeze I can feel the pull all the way up in my abdomen like a knife in the gut.
The other fun part is if I even flex my left thigh muscle at all, it pretty much doubles me over in pain. So, i'm trying not to do that too much!!!!
Fun stuff!